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Personal Loans: Here To Help You

Personal Loans: Here to Help You

Out of all of our products and services, consumer loans may be the most personal item we handle on a regular basis. From new family cars to offroad vehicles and tractors, we provide you with everything needed to accomplish your goals.

As the name implies, personal loans are an individualized experience that we take great care in developing. We work hard to understand a member’s story and background so we can make the loan process as simple as possible. Depending on the type, we can have the loan signed and funded for you in a few hours. 

We also think it’s vital that our relationship doesn’t stop once your loan is approved. Our team is always ready to assist you. Whether you have a question in five days or 15 years, we’re here to help.

Learn more about our personal loans and rates!

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Insured by NCUSIF

Our branch is insured by The National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF), which provides deposit insurance to protect the accounts of our members.



Family Eligibility

The family of Louisiana USA members are also eligible to join the credit union and benefit from our products and services. Refer those you love to the baking institution you know will take care of them.



Additional Services

Night Deposit Box
ART (Audio Response Teller)
Account Alerts
Drive-Thru Window
Visa Gift Cards
Notary Services
Safe Deposit Boxes



Financial Counseling & Continued Education

Our expert staff is always available to assist members with any financial issues or concerns, From designing budgets to improving credit scores, we're here to help!



Shared Branch Access

Through Shared Branching, a co-op service provided to our members, you can access branches and ATMs across the United States and beyond! Download the app to your phone or visit our Service Center & ATM locator page to find your nearest location.



Online Services

Monthly Statements
Apply for loans & mortgages
Bill Pay
Direct Deposit
Transfer Money
Mobile Banking